A Piece of Heaven
Hi there. My name is Erica Bradley. Yes I'm young. I know. I am all about animals. I wear boots out like people go through t-shirts. I have my own barn and little companions (three dogs, two cats, seven fish, and a turtle) and we are out to take on the world together. I'm ready for anything life throws at me and ready to start my Piece of Heaven.
Meet the best dog ever! Friendly, yet barks at strangers, Gentle, yet tough and strong, and Loving, even though he acts all tough and junk, he's a little baby when it comes to snuggling and people! After tons of training, this dog is worth a million bucks!
Meet Aspen. True to her breed, she is the guard dog! She will let you know when something is wrong or we have an unwelcome stranger. She is seven years old and was stolen from me for about two, long, heart breaking months! Thanks to a microchip, she's home safe! I recommend everyone get a microchip on their furry friend!
Hi there. My name is Erica Bradley. Yes I'm young. I know. I am all about animals. I wear boots out like people go through t-shirts. I have my own barn and little companions (three dogs, two cats, seven fish, and a turtle) and we are out to take on the world together. I'm ready for anything life throws at me and ready to start my Piece of Heaven.
Blog Feed
A.K.A. The Zoo
The BootsThis is a main accessory for any of my outfits! I wear them any day, everyday! | Guard Dog - AspenTrue to her breed, Aspen is the guard dog around here. She has it in her mind to protect the property and her people from ANY threat! She looks like a butterfly but stings like a bee! |
Farm Dog - SnickersThis playful guy can tree something in a heart beat! He trees, he fetches, and he guards! If not introduced, you better wear something protective! This dog would attack any threat that comes between me, his people, the other animals, and his property. He is an ALL AROUND great dog! |
What's on the farm?
My Wishlist
Jersey Cow
Jersey cattle are a small breed of dairy cattle. Originally bred in the Channel Island of Jersey, the breed is popular for the high butterfat content of its milk and the lower maintenance costs attending its lower bodyweight, as well as its genial disposition.
Standerd Donkey
Standerd Donkeys are from 36" to 54" and generally are the least expensive. Their protective instincts are top notch. Jennets (Jennys) are used for guarding livestock. They are known to attack mountain lions or bears. Coyotes are less likely to attack a livestock if they since a guard animal thats serious about thier livestock.
New Jersey Giant Chicken
eggs and
The Jersey Giant was created by John and Thomas Black; with the intent of replacing the turkey, the kind of poultry used primarily for meat at the time. They were produced by crossing Black Javas, Black Langshans, and Dark Brahmas. A large amount of food and time are required for the Jersey Giant to reach its full size. The Jersey Giant are a calm and docile breed. The cocks are rarely aggressive. They lay very large brown eggs, and are fair layers overall, known particularly as good winter layers. The birds are robust and fairly cold-hardy. The breed's plumage comes in Blue as well as Black and White; legs are willow in hue. Jersey Giant hens will go broody.
Yes, I wanna be a Farmer.
Erica Bradley
The Coop
These are the floor plans to my chicken coop. Please note that there will be a roof and netting over the whole top of my creation.
Black Jersey Giants
Avaliablity: Out of Stock
*180-260 eggs per year*
Originated in the state of New Jersey during the 1800s, this is a great breed of bird, however, they grow a lot slower than some breeds. When grown, the feathers take on a green sheen within the black color. They are noted for thier nearly black legs and toes. They were admitted to the American Standerd of Perfection in 1922.
Brown Leghorn
Avaliability: Out of Stock
*220-300 eggs per year*
Originations from Italy, Denmark, and England, this bird is athletic, hardy, non-setters and lay very nice eggs. Hens way over four pounds and Rooster weighs about six. This breed was admitted to the American Standerd of Perfection in 1874. They lay white eggs.
Black Sexlink
Not Sold here
*180-260 eggs per year*
TheRhode Island Red Rooster and Barred Rock Hen breed together result in a baby chick that is colored sexed. The males are barred (black with light color on head) and the pullets are black. Great laying hens and good cockerel fryers!
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