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Likes to cook


Gossips with her girlfriends

Is a positive person

Is a slow-paced realist

Doesn't FLIRT with my friends

Tells me what's wrong when I ask

Doesn't try to make me jealous

Dresses SEXY but not SLUTTY

Does Little things to shows she cares

Is CONFIDENT and comfortable in her own skin

Is down to earth

Will leave me alone sometimes

Let's me be who I am

"All of my relationships have started to sour when my girlfriends began suffocating and trying to control me. As they attempted to police my every action and rob me of my freedom, we became adversaries."

– James, NY, 25

"If I catch a girl searching my phone or she starts suspiciously questioning me, it is over. A great girlfriend is secure in herself, and trusts me. If you put your faith in me, your feelings on the line and just trust me, the last thing I want to do is disappoint you."

– Shay, San Francisco, 35

"I need to have the same idea of what fun is as my girlfriend does. For example, I am a speed tourist – I can't last with someone who would take 7 hours at the Vatican – 2 hours is plenty; I want to see the waterfall, not hike in it for hours, and so on. We need to like the same kind of restaurants, parties, etc. Also, be willing to try 'my' things because I will be willing to try yours."

– Mark, Seattle, 43


"The biggest thing that separates a good girlfriend from an OK one is someone who has a life of her own. If the relationship is a girl's primary focus, invariably she finds things missing in it, whereas if it's a compliment to the rest of her life's goals and interests, the little things are no big deal."

– Matt, Los Angeles, 27

"Good girlfriends don't nag or hassle you or argue all the time. When you complain all the time to me, I stop listening and start thinking about something else, so you are really just wasting your time."

– T, Grand Rapids, 38

"I don't need an Iron Chef but a woman who can throw down a respectable meal or two is really important. Not only is it nice to be cooked for every once in a while, but this can be an indicator that she is mom material."

– Michael, Providence, 34

"I'm all for a little kissing and cuddling when out, but save the show for the bedroom. If a girl needs to be attached to me 100 percent of the time when we are out, that shows me that she has to prove to herself and others our status, which is a real turnoff."

– Jason, Montreal, 33






"I want to be my girlfriend's boyfriend, not her girlfriend. I can't stand it when a girl blabs on and on about her friends' drama or even worse – celebrity gossip."

– David, Baltimore, 28

"Just be happy. Be someone I look forward to seeing because of your light, positive energy – project sunshine."

– Jandre, Washington, DC, 35

"Please ladies, don't ask to have 'the talk' about exclusivity after a month, or bring me to meet your parents on our third date. I don't want to talk about what it would be like to have kids with you just because you saw a cute kid on our fourth date. And buying me a gift to celebrate two months of dating is out of the question. Take it slow and let things unravel naturally."

– Kevin, Phoenix, 29



"A good girlfriend, no matter what, will never ever flirt with my friends, no matter how much better-looking they are than me."

– Keith, Miami, 24

"I am done dating girls who make me guess what is wrong with them. When I ask, just tell me. Be assertive with what you want, what you need, what you think and how you feel. Otherwise, you come across as an emotional basketcase and that makes you a bad girlfriend."

– Pat, Portland, 28

"I'm not a jealous person and girls who try to make me jealous are not cool. Also, don't perform secret little tests to see what I will do in certain situations – I know what you are up to, and I will pass every time, but you will fail because it is annoying and shows that you are insecure in our relationship."

– David, Chicago, 32

"I like my girlfriends to maintain their look. That means being well groomed and making an effort to look nice. I like a sexy look that shows off her physique but not one that crosses over to looking trampy – a good girlfriend always projects class and saves the real good stuff just for her man."

– Craig, New York, 27

"One of the best things a girlfriend can do to show she cares is to notice the little things that might help me out in my life and take care of them for me – like if I am working late, bring me dinner or if I've been complaining that my back is bothering me from a lot of business travel, book a massage for me at my next hotel. These are the things I do for my girlfriends and it is nice to have them reciprocate."

– John, Los Angeles, 36

"You have to be yourself. A thousand percent yourself, all the time. A bad girlfriend morphs herself into what she thinks I want her to be instead of being confident enough in her own skin to just be herself. If we are meant to be a match, our natural selves will mesh, if not, we won't. I am not going to change for a girl and a girl shouldn't change for me, either."

– Joe, Miami, 34

"The higher maintenance the girl, the worse a girlfriend she is. A woman who is down to earth is much more appealing – someone who can go with the flow and isn't caught up in superficiality and little things that really don't matter."

– Chris, Seattle, 37

"My best relationships have been with women who have been supportive when I needed support but also respected my space when that is what I needed. Sometimes a guy isn't ready to talk about his problems or feelings with you and pressuring him to do so will push him further away. Instead, be patient and he will come to you when he is ready."

– Yusef, Atlanta, 43

"Here's the thing. I like me for me and you should, too. If you don't, then don't be with me. Trying to change me (the way I brush my hair, how I eat my food, what I say, etc.) is an exercise in futility and just makes you a bitchy girlfriend."

– Eric, Boston, 34


How to be a Keeper!




The world's best girlfriend?

I did my research so you don't have to!

#1 Stop Fussing!

You know how when you’re nervous, you touch your face a lot or twirl your hair. It’s time to put a stop to bad habits. Remind yourself that you look great, and those locks don’t need any more smoothing, thank you very much. If it helps, peek into a compact or duck into the girls’ bathroom to reassure yourself that your outfit and makeup are in place.

#2 Smile :)

You don’t need to plaster one on to rival Miss America, but popping a grin will set your soon-to-be friend at ease and show that you’re happy to be there and to make a new bud…even if your belly is doing back flips.

#3 Be sincere

There’s nothing worse than talking idly to an individual who clearly doesn’t care about what you have to say. Come up with a genuine conversation starter, like, “Oh wow! Your shoes are so cute!” to kick things off, and then lets the chatter flow.

#4 Ask questions ??

If the convo is stalling, pull out some tried-‘n’-true questions. Ask how her summer break was, who she has for English, any advice she can dish for navigating the halls—anything goes! If you’re talking right before the bell, don’t blabber on and on since you both have somewhere to be. But do show an interest.

#5 Listen Up!

Speaking of showing interest, it’s wicked important that you actually listen to what your would-be-pal is saying and to remember it. File details like her passion for karate and karaoke away so you can use them the next time you speak. Maybe she’ll invite you to a class or sing-off!

I know you’re nervous, but staring at your shoes isn’t gonna help. You shouldn’t stare her down, but do make eye contact as you speak. It shows that you’re actively listening to what she has to say instead of critiquing her outfit or looking for someone else to chat up.

#6 Make eye contact

#7 See ya later!

Feelin’ good vibes? Make casual plans to see him later — in homeroom, lunch, on the bus, after school, whenever. Everybody likes to have plans, especially on a hectic day.

But first we gotta make a great impression!

7 must know tips

attitude of successful dating



Most of us have things that we think we’re looking for in a mate.  Your list probably includes characteristics, personality traits, physical attributes and shared interests that you feel are very important.  Wouldn’t it be lovely if finding a partner was as simple as walking up and down the aisles of a grocery store and pulling your choice off the shelf!

Finding a partner is NOT the same as grocery shopping!!  The most successful daters are those who are willing to remain open-minded to meeting a variety of people, even if those people don’t necessarily meet the criteria they think they’re looking for.  They understand that they NEED to be open-minded because no matter how much we work on our lists of what we think we want in a partner these lists come from the conscious mind and we can’t possibly predict who we’re going to fall in love with, because the "chemistry” everyone is looking for comes from the SUBconscious mind.

Straight from the coach.

Bobbi Palmer


      As a Dating and Relationship Coach for Women over 40, the number one question I get (and I get it EVERY day) is “Why Didn’t He Call?” And that’s always followed by “Should I call him?”

So, right here, right now, I am going to finally unravel the age-old mystery of “Why didn’t he call?” Here it is: I don’t know. Neither do you, and there's a good chance we’ll never know. Therefore, my expert advice is to move on.

Maybe his dog died, or he started dating someone else, or he just changed his mind about wanting to see you again. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is he knows something you don’t know: he’s not right for you. You are not His One, for whatever reason.

So how do you stay out of the rabbit hole and deal with the woulda-coulda-shouldas? My FLIRT System is the answer. Use it on every date and, not only will it improve the quality of your dates and connections, but you’ll never have to ask yourself those unanswerable questions again.



 ind out what is right about him. Start every date by finding at least three things you like about him. Did he show up on time? Was he nice to the waitress? Do you like his shoes? Focus first on his positive attributes, even (or especially) if you don’t feel instant attraction. You never know what you’ll realize if you pay attention to the positives rather than starting with what rules him out.

 et him know what you like. Men like to be complimented as much as women do, yet we rarely give them that gift. Tell him you like his sense of humor. Tell him you admire his great relationship his daughter. Or maybe that you respect how he’s found a career that he loves so much. Let him know what you like. If you’re interested, this is critical to getting your next date. If not, you’re being kind. There's nothing wrong with that!



be   n the moment. Be “present” on your date. Don’t compare him to men in the past, nor should you project into the future. That means not having that internal conversation about whether he could be The One, analyzing everything he says, or trying to figure out what he’s not saying. I encourage my coaching clients to stay in the DISCOVER mode on the first few dates. Find out about him and just experience what it feels like to be with him. There will be plenty of time for the DECIDE phase later on.

be     eal. Being genuine is the only way to attract the right man. You have nothing to prove, you don’t have to appear to be perfect, and you don’t have to twist like a pretzel to be what you think he wants you to be. Put down your protective walls and your “I’m just fine without a man” attitude…and be You. The right guy will appreciate you, and the wrong one won't. Perfect!


  alk about yourself. Why would a man want a second date with you if he goes home knowing nothing about you? Sometimes a man will spend most of the time talking about himself. This can be out of nervousness, because he’s trying too hard to impress you or because you interrogated him and he’s simply answering all your questions. It’s important that you squeeze in what I call your “nuggets.” These are important bits of information about you, such as what you're proud of, what you care about, or what you most like to spend your time doing. These are all things that help a man get to know you.



1"I'm not looking for a relationship right now"   

In other words, he's looking for a one-night stand. If he says this to you and you remain interested, he'll assume you are down for casual sex.

2"My wife and I are essentially divorced"

The guy isn't happy in his marriage but doesn't plan to leave his wife unless he has a new girl lined up and ready to go.

3"You're a great friend"

No guy wants to be friend-zoned by a lady he's attracted to. If he starts talking about being friends before you ever mentioned it, he has no romantic interest in you. Sorry.

4"The economy is horrible"

While that may be true, blaming the economy early on in a relationship is his way to tell you that he's unemployed and isn't too interested in finding a job anytime soon.

5"I'm a virgin by choice"

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, a "virgin by choice" is actually a guy who is so socially awkward that he's never had a girl give him a second glance.

6"I'm About 5-foot-9"

If a guy tells this to you, he's actually 5-foot-6... with shoes on. Guys have a bad habit of adding a couple inches to their true dimensions, as I'm sure you've noticed.

7"I love you"

The translation for this one is conditional. If he says it in an attempt to get lucky (or while getting lucky), it means nothing. But if all clothes are on, it means he loves you.

8"I'm sorry"

He's truly sorry or he's run out of steam and doesn't want to argue anymore. Either way, please accept the apology and wrap up the argument. Thank you in advance.

9"I need space"

You're suffocating him! Give the guy a break and let him go have some fun on his own. While he's at it, go out and do some of the things you liked to do back before you met him.

10"Can we still be friends?"

Can we still have sex sometimes?


The MAN guide

Her Cheat-proof plan

10 Guy phrases decoded

Once you get him

how do you keep up the heat?


Get Off Your Butt

Do something daring together, like zip-lining or bungee jumping. When you get your adrenaline going with your man, you automatically feel more passion towards each other.

Appreciation of your significant other is the main way to cheat-proof your relationship. Men like to be loved, admired, and appreciated. Also, when you give appreciation, you will get it back.  Have open conversations with who they are hanging out with and where they are going. 77% of cheaters have best friends that cheated, as opposed to faithful guys that have less than 50% of cheating friends. This doesn’t mean that they can’t hang out with their best friends, but be open about your concern and possibly suggest they come to your place instead of some very social scene.

​So you want to know

everything I know??

(well, the stuff I can type anyways)

  • How to be the "world's best girlfriend"
  • ​Lights, Camera, "Movies"
  • ​For the love of "Your Dog"
Table of Contents (What you'll find below...)

Check out what I know and the advice I'll give! Under this paragraph is a step into my world. Check out my opinion. feel free to leave any comments.

Best of movies!

My opinion in "BEST IN SHOW" videos.


The secrets behind great training for your dog.

Don't Leave me!

  1. Do not make the act of leaving the house a big deal and do not feel guilty about it. Ignore your dog for about ten minutes before you leave the house, and then another ten minutes upon returning home. This eliminates the excitement of you going away and coming back.

  2. Some dogs feel comfortable being confined to a small space such as a crate or a small gated area of the house, while others feel comfortable safely out in the backyard. If your dog starts to feel agitated when crated, take him out and do not try to force him because it can only make matters worse.

  3. In some cases, confining your dog to a small area where he has viewing access to the outside world is enough to make him feel comfortable and eliminate separation anxiety. You can place his crate or bed in front of a sliding glass door or a clear window.

  4. Many dogs suffer from separation anxiety because of boredom. Find a job that your dog can do. Teach him how to play “Find it” – a game that he can play by himself. To play this game, you must hide his favorite bones or stuffed treats where he can find them. To keep him busy, use three or five bones or treats (depending on how long you’ll be gone).
  5. Another way to fight boredom is to provide your dog with plenty of toys. Rotate the toys so he will not get tired of playing with them. Playing, chewing, chasing, and hunting for his toys or treats has the power to cause your dog utilize his natural canine instincts while keeping him occupied for hours.
  6. Leave the television on or play a soft, relaxing music. Researches have shown that soft, classical music relaxes dogs. Pick something that you also listen to when you are at home, so that your pet doesn't associate the music with your absence.

Here are 6 easy tactics that can help reduce your dog’s separation anxiety:

By being aware of your dog’s separation anxiety and applying these practical tips, you should be able to reduce, and eventually eliminate, the separation anxiety your dog experiences when you leave the house.

Separation Anxiety


The don't of training.

  1. Irregular schedule: Dogs thrive on repetitiveness and a routine schedule. If you fail to follow a schedule when it comes to taking your puppy to go to the bathroom, feeding times, and even bedtime, this can cause a disruption in the learning process.For example, let’s say it’s Sunday morning and even though your puppy is waiting for you at the door to go to the bathroom at 7:00 AM (his usual morning potty time), you decide to sleep in. Don't be surprised if you wake up to a puddle of pee or a stinky pile of poop on the kitchen floor. Adhering to a schedule is absolutely critical to successfully housetrain your puppy.
  2. Ignoring crate training: Crate training is a safe and effective way to house train any puppy. Not only does it work well, but it is not the cruel training protocol that many people think it is. Placing your puppy in a crate when you are not able to watch over him will help your dog to develop control over its bladder.
  3. Disciplining your puppy after the dirty deed has been done: In other words, if you continually yell and discipline your puppy after he has made a mistake, while not actually in the moment of the act, he will not have the slightest clue as to why he is being punished. This type of harassment will only cause your puppy to be scared of you. Only correct him when you catch him doing something wrong, never after.
  4. Not cleaning up accidents when the happen: I realize that it may get a little tiring when you constantly have to clean up your new puppy’s poop and pee, but it’s an unfortunate part of the deal you made when you decided to bring home a new dog, especially a brand-new puppy.Do not make the mistake of getting lazy and leaving his wastes to sit on the floor for any length of time. This can signal to your dog that it is okay to use the bathroom on the floor and he will continue to do so, typically in the same spot.























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